Friday, October 6, 2017

Dunking Buddy

Okay so I got this amazing cool product in the mail from a company called dunking buddy. And it is so amazing my kids love it just as much as I do and I love it more. Well they have three different designs right now so far, they have one that has a pumpkin on it turns orange when cold for Halloween, they have a pink one that turns bright pink one cold with a little girl on it and a blue one that turns blue well a boy on it. Well because this little plastic piece that you put in the cup and on the outside is this round piece that has a magnet to it that you attached it the outside, you feel a cup of with milk and the cut changes colors to let you know that it's cold you slide the piece up to the top you put your cookie in it of your choice and you slide it down some or all the way depending on how you like your cookie when you're ready for you slide the piece back up and bring some cookie up and you take the cookies out and you need it it saves you from getting your hands cold wet and nasty from dipping your hand the cup and cookie falling in. I really like this is neat invention I hope to get one for each holiday I hope they come out of one for Christmas where the cups green and it turns red or something that would be a great idea what Christmas tree on it. Our kids love it just as much as I do.

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